Today, in this multicultural society, let's learn a bit about history to better understand each other - the origin of Mooncake or Mid-Autumn Festival, the tyranny oppression & ISA, the People Power, and Mid-Autumn Uprising.
Coincidently, this year the Mid-Autumn Festival falls in the same month as Ramadhan, which is meant to teach a person patience, sacrifice and humility.
In this great nation, we are fortunate that we can celebrate both festivals at the same time. We should be thankful and appreciate such an opporunity that we can unite, and live together happily. There are not many countries in the world are blessed as we are.
Today, let's celebrate the festivals together; Also, let us remember those whose rights were taken away to celebrate with us - RPK, Teresa, Hindraf, and many more.
Too, hope that those in power learn from history and mistakes, for nobody can never win over People Power!
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival;
Happy Ramadhan; and
Hidup Bangsa Malaysia!