Why should Najib call for snap election?

If Najid were to take over, there is definitely high posibility of a snap election, 6-12mths after Abdullah's handover.

Firstly, Najid has to show that he has the mandate from majority of Malaysians. In GE12, Pak Lah, instead of Najid, was the President of BN hence the candidate for Prime Minister. People voted Pak Lah, not Najid, to be Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Remember, in any democratic country, there is never a case that Prime Minister-ship can be handed over by one person to another. This is un-imaginable and totally against the principle of democracy.

Furthermore, in Bolehland, the Prime Minister actually is not elected by majority of Malaysians. The Prime Minister of Malaysia in fact is elected by majority of Umno 200 delegates. How can a Prime Minister of a country with population of 25millions be elected by a delegation of 200 people? The fate of 25million people is decided by 200 people. And consider the rampant money politic in Umno, what kind of person do you think in their potential candidate list? No wonder Malaysia always is laughing stock to the world.

Secondly, despite all the make-up and dressings, Najid suffers from all kind of scandals from sex to money to weapons ie Altantuyah, submarine, Eurocopter, etc that put his personal character and credibility seriously in doubt. The Prime Minister of Malaysia faces not only his fellow countrymen, he needs to face the world too.

He must prove his credibility. But not through the usage of Elite police force and C4 of course. At least certainly not through the deletion of immigration records. Swearing on Quran definitely is not enough because 45% of Malaysians do not practise Islam. (Besides, the act of swearing has seriously damaged the image of Malaysia's judicial system. How can a person swear that he's innocent, and oh he's proved innocent. Is this some kind of joke or what? )

We Malaysians do not want someone with personal character seriously in doubt to represent us. Never.

Despite all the slogans, all the infrastructure, all the money spent, to show that Malaysia aims to be advanced country, what Malaysia really needs is to uphold the true democracy and liberty which is the cornerstone of every first world country.

Give me liberty or give me death!

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